This comic book, titled "Fantastic Four Ser.: Imaginauts" by Mark Waid, is a must-have for any fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The story, published in 2003 by Marvel Comics, follows the adventures of the Fantastic Four superhero team as they face off against the villainous Imaginauts. The comic book is in the format of a trade paperback and features the beloved characters Human Torch (Johnny Storm) and Invisible Woman. The story is a part of the Modern Age (1992-Now) era of US Comics and is perfect for collectors or anyone looking for a thrilling comic book experience. It's time to get rid of my collection, passing it off to you you're bidding on one Fantastic Four imagine knots trade paperback. Still in good condition, there is still a sticker on the back of it. Please look closely at the pictures and this is the one you will get, if you have any questions or concerns please contact me I can take more pictures if you wish. Buyer pays shipping